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北航考博英语2001-2010历年题型 !D5
&t:MWb; iDxgAV f* 2001 <aD+Ki6 >c>ar>4xF vt=S0X^$yc J(VZa_ Part I: Listening Comprehension (25%) Bq8<FZr#! bxHk0w Section A (5%): 10 short conversations, 1-10 \R
PelV67?M Section B (10%): 3 short passages,11-13, 14-16, 17-20 w2V E_ ? D'-{/<4 Section C (10%): spot diction, (1)-(10) lv
&w p@ Bv
*h?`Q M$A! Q{kuB+s Part II: Reading Comprehension (25%) [0@i,7{ZqE 9V!K._Cb 5 passages: 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-25 j. c
H,Y O-Y E6u !4
fL|0 Wc[)mYOSuO Part III: Cloze Test (10%), 1-20 7T78S&g hNfL /^w sS|5x 4Qs#ws]) Part IV: Translation (25%) cl5 :|) 2Hj]QN7"
Section A (10%): Translate the following paragraph into Chinese <jjaqDSmz yR-.OF,c Section B (15%): Translate the following paragraph into English IYPI5qCR dXQWT@$y!E ]RJ2`xf &40dJ~SQ Part V: Writing (15%) 6|x<)Gc kQtl&{;k? Exam A: Write a composition of no less than 150 words based on the following poem written by Edgar Albert Guest, an American poet. j\<S 6%p#R 54-x 14") Exam B: Write a composition of no less than 200 words based on the following fable. }z6HxB]$ B _ >|Mo/ -!"8j"pA: w*x}4wW l\)Q3.w X^`ld&^*({ 2002 $vd._j& dpS 1
RL SeT t+
@F"[j Part I: Listening Comprehension (25%) $J+$8pA Wp ]u0w Section A (5%): 10 short conversations, 1-10 7G(X:! - >2ej4C Section B (10%): 3 short passages,1-4, 5-7, 8-10 *)Y;`Yg$ ck;owGlT Section C (10%) 15B$Sp!/`e iJcl0)| 1. Write down the main ideas of the five reasons supporting the viewpoint that “Why older is better” (5%), (1)-(5) $JOIK9+3z# d-4u*> 2. Fill in the blanks (5%), (6)-(10) {.ph)8 FU<rE&X2: ][.1b@)qV ZyTah\yPM Part II: Reading Comprehension (25%) B$HQFdTli jRGG5w} 5 passages: 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-25 &{8 "-
dw 6;VlX,,j V[%r5!83H /c09-$M Part III: Cloze Test (10%), 1-10 0 X@5W$x KxvT}"k ]M_)f t.m
$|M> Part IV: Translation (25%) bw@tA7Y 371E S4 Section A: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese (10%) 1Eg,iTn2*x L
&eO?I=, Section B: Translate the following paragraph into English (15%) v5&WW?IBQ G G7N!eZ iud%X51
<F&S Part V: Writing (15%) lk8VJ~2d b
\}`L" Write a composition of no more than 200 words based on the following paragraph. i`E]gJ$ g-6!+>w*>e What’s your idea about household pets? ctj.rC)6n ao
32n Yzd-1Jvk qD2<-E&M/ 0ro)e~_@* 9;.dNdg> 2003 ucTkWqG =PXNg!B}D* G$i
p Wi 1w?X~VZAX Part I: Listening Comprehension (25%) )-[X^l
j }eBy
p Section A: fill in the blanks, S1-S10 UT"L5{c ^fH]Rlx Section B: fill out the tables with the information you’ve heard, 1-5 ^1}}-9q Bf[D&O Section C: 3 passages, 6-8, 9-11, 12-15 #~nI^
ggW O=ci"2!\- ==Ju2D?% rY88
xh^ Part II: Reading Comprehension (30%) +STT(b Mn jt;68SA
P Section A: 5 passages, 16-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31-35, 36-40 bSBI[S
9NKZE?5P|D Section B: answer the questions or complete the statements, 41-45 BYP,}yzA 4{*K%pv\ rXvvJIbi 7-bU9{5 Part III: Cloze Test (10%), 46-55 Z
5_MSPm zaR~ fO yP~D." 2i8'*L+j Part IV: Translation (20%) X=_N7! mLKwk6I Section A: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese ^hTq~ " 7RTp+FC] Section B: Translate the following paragraph into English O" n /.` zLC\Rc4 KYd2=P6 Mt<TEr}7Z= Part V: Writing (15%) &`0heJ
5Yn WZ;f3
Read the following chart and write a composition of about 150 words. [u=b[( {}{|trr-E OV Iu&6# 8xZN4ck_@ ,B h[jb`y Ga"$_DyM 2004 'C!b($Y R/A40i ~g
~z"!K {pm>F}Cwy Part I: Listening Comprehension (30 points) 00n6
v;X &=xm>;`3 Section A (10 points): 10 short conversations, 1-10 j ]F
Zy @ $4(!80- Section B (10 points): fill into the blanks, 11-15 Oy&Myjny< %koHTWT+ Section C (10 points): hear 2 passages, and answer questions, 16-17, 18-20 Tr-gdX ; W{?7Pn?1` q;InFV3rv w*f.Fu(su Part II: Reading Comprehension (40 points, 2 points each) l{E+j% bH~ue5q 4 passages, 21-25, 26-30, 31-35, 36-40 vLXN{ ] '/Hx0]V rH8w||S2U
Q+U} Part III: Translation (15 points): ,9`sC8w| A_muuOIcI Translate the following paragraph into Chinese ^EPM~cEY\ AL>*Vj2h/n Ont4-AP
l(-6pP5` Part IV: Writing (15 points) c6:"5};_ !i&
^H, Write a composition of no less than 200 words on your attitude towards plagiarism (抄袭,剽窃). Hc ]/0: #joGIw R%Gh4y\nF Uvgv<OR`_ g>_lU
vSE N|EH`eu^i 2005 gk >-h,>" <03 @c s B @H.O! T]l_B2. Part I: Listening Comprehension (25 points) "Sz pFw + |Z1U$0g Section 1 (10 points): 10 short conversations, 1-10 ?vuM'UH- )sWdN(E3 Section 2 (5 points): fill in the blanks, 11-15 x48Y#"' V'sp6:3*\ Section 3 (10 points): listen to the news and answer the following questions, 16-20 ))^rk6 {|c
<8 `d2}>
O;N9wu3f Part II: Reading Comprehension (25 points) ; {$9Sc $ Me;@/;c( Section 1(15 points, 1 points each): 3 passages, 21-25, 26-30, 31-35 >H?l[*9 rT9<_< Section 2(10 points, 2 points each): 1 passages, read through the passage and answer the questions, 36-40 KoZ" yD M/C7<?& ,7,x9qE" o_ka'| Part III: Cloze (10 points, 0.5 points each), 41-60 pMnkh}Q# 6Ko[[?Lf[ t"k6wv;Tq WW82=2rJ9 Part IV: Translation (20 points): Y+75}]B hn\<'|n Translate the following letter into English A@-nn] 1^ZQXUzl%i >U.TkB )/kkvI()l Part V: Writing (20 points) Q= IA|rN I)Y ^_&= Write a composition of no less than 200 words based on the following instruction. ( P|Ph yo]!Zn Some people think it is more important for a single language as an international official language. Others think that it will make it difficult to identify countries and lose culture. What is you opinion? Show you reason and example. E/z^~;KA }la\?I m?bd
T[*1*303 2006 WBT/;),}: N"Y) IGz92&y }pOL[$L Part I: Listening Comprehension (20 points) ParOWs~W/ _)s<E9t2N Section A (10 points): 10 short conversations, 1-10 [@d$XC]Qz kSx^Uu* Section B (5 points): listen to the passage and complete the chart, 11-15 %xZYIYKf xG:eS:iT Section C (5 points): listen to the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D ) to each question you’ve heard, 16-20 l_tr,3_w W"
>[sn| 4FSA:]o- H]&a}WQ_ Part II: Reading Comprehension (30 points) cojtQD6 [>+R|;ln 4 passages, 21-25, 26-30, 31-35, 36-40 &)`
xlIw} ":s1}A Q;r9>E! (A!+$}UR Part III: Vocabulary (10 points) <vxj*M; zbQ-l1E There are 20 sentences with four choices below each sentence, choose the best one from the 4 choices, 41-60 /d; C)%$
WAr;g?Q8 n8W+q~sW% fik*-$V` Part IV: Cloze (10 points), 61-80 =!}n . j{k]8sI,H] Ky"]L~8$ tQ!p<Q=
$) Part V: Translation (15 points): `PML4P[ W(jXOgs+_ Translate the following passage into Chinese. fTQ_miAlP u,h ,;'J PL+r*M%ll dnRS$
$9# Part VI: Writing (15 points) <{$0mUn;s| M#<U=Ha Write a composition of no less than 200 words on the following topic: Space Research Djv0]Sm^! Q
[g>ee =&Dt+f& ]J<2a`IK! -P I$SA, 66A}5b4)] 2007 >lyX";X# w5j6RQml jC<1bf$K +|Tz<\.C Part I: Listening Comprehension (20 points) $bf&ct*$h 7d9kr?3(U Section A (10 points): 10 short conversations, 1-10 (~C_zG R^_7B( Section B (10 points): 2 long conversations, 11-15, 16-20 "Jd!TLt\x @|e4.(9A E;$;g#ksf :0G_n\
Part II: Reading Comprehension (30 points) $-HP5Kj(k- +>zjTP7\e" 4 passages, 21-25, 26-30, 31-35, 36-40 4r'QP .h j41)X'MgJ CV9o,rL 18(hrj Part III: Vocabulary (10 points), 41-60 B=EI&+F+ U8f!yXF' 4*j6~ & XS2q0-x Part IV: Cloze (10 points), 61-80 :K:oH}4oh x,U'!F 4trP*u,4 \a_75^2 Part V: Translation (15 points): uX.^zg]}% J^!2F}: Translate the following passage into Chinese. :i{Svb*_' i6S5 4&^! }9Th` :,@"I$>*/ Part VI: Writing (15 points) Aof)WKo 9<e%('@[ Write a composition of no less than 200 words on the following topic: Opportunity and success eD(;Wn l
x'^vK% F KF4D)NM| S'%|40U /?ZO-]q yt5Sy 2008 F@%`(/^TA
5J azs
lNL Kl Kk?6> Part I: Listening Comprehension (20 points) 483/ZgzT` [$Dzf<0 Section A (10 points): 10 short conversations, 1-10 D2y[?RG H
@'f=Y*D Section B (10 points): 2 passages, 11-15, 16-20 r6b;v2!8 ^t$xR_ u_Wftb?9 9cnLf# Part II: Reading Comprehension (30 points) hr/H vB z@8W 4 passages, 21-25, 26-30, 31-35, 36-40 W5^<4Ya! (a9>gLI0 4Zn" K}q vTl7x Part III: Vocabulary (10 points), 41-60 *}P=7TuS
Tb[1\ %B~@wc
I)W 1EemVZdY Part IV: Cloze (10 points), 61-80 s L=}d[ v,d
bto0 N\t( rp 'JRYf;9c Part V: Translation (15 points): ]ft}fU5C1 YHOo6syk Read the following passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese, 81-85 'Z8=y[l V^%P}RFMc ]2 ' 4.T1i, Part VI: Writing (15 points) AF\gB2^ Yv/T6z@ Write a composition of no less than 150 words about your opinions on academic plagiarism (抄袭,剽窃) — the dishonest act in academic communication. sW&5Mu- d#CAP9n;' %PlA9@:IZ Y[rRz6.*( 2_GbK- `kYcTFk 2009
rK[;wD< 'Bwv-J P$zhMnAAN 5ENEx Part I: Listening Comprehension (20 points) dwqR,| PY
MofQaZ Section A (10 points): 10 short conversations, 1-10 )lH`a 57Bxx__S4` Section B (10 points): 2 passages, 11-15, 16-20 im@QJ: qH(HcsgD n.=Zw2FE a"D'QqtH Part II: Reading Comprehension (30 points) vP%}XEF /s@j{*Om 4 passages, 21-25, 26-30, 31-35, 36-40 9y*2AaxW
Dn#^-,H Z~]G+( H.< |