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主题 : 单词复习:Contribute、Efficient、Extreme
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级别: 论坛版主
楼主  发表于: 2018-10-07   



v.  有助于;贡献;捐助;捐献;投稿

1[color=; padding-bottom: 0px]近义词contributing  adj. 贡献的;起作用的
contribution  n.  捐助;贡献;捐助之物
contradict  v. 与……相矛盾;反驳 
contrary  adj. 相反的;逆向的 

2形近词donate  v. 捐赠;捐献
have a hand in  v. 参与; 对 ... 有影响力
lead to 导致;把……带到
give rise to 引起;导致;造成

3短语搭配contribute to  有助于;捐助;贡献
contribute an article to a newspaper   向报社投稿

4[color=; padding-bottom: 0px]真题例句 2016年阅读Text 3Their analysis ruled out the possibility that it was firms’political influence, rather than their CSR stand, that accounted for  the leniency ; Companies that contributed more to political campaigns did not receive lower fines.

5[color=; padding-bottom: 0px]真题解析1.句子主干:Their analysis ruled out the possibility...
2.句子难点:that it was firms’political influence, rather than their CSRcorporate-social-responsibility stand, that accounted for  the leniency ['li:nɪənsɪ]同位语从句解释说明possibility;而在同位语从句中又包括一个it was…that…的强调句型。rather than their CSR stand作为插入语,与firms’ political influence并列,表示转折关系。Companies did not receive lower fines由冒号连接,与it was firms’ political influence that accounted for the leniency构成并列句,并对其进行解释。that contributed more to political campaignsthat引导的定语从句,修饰companies

3.译文:他们的分析排除了这种可能,即公司的政治影响力而非 社会责任使他们获得了宽大处理。因为在政治竞选中贡献更多的公司并 没有收到更低的罚款。

4.原句再现:Their analysis ruled out the possibility that it was firms’ political influence, rather than their CSR stand, that accounted for the leniency; Companies that contributed more to political campaigns did not receive lower fines.

rule out   排除;不予考虑

stand [stænd]  
v. 站立;忍受;位于;停滞  
n. 站立;货摊;停顿;看台

account for  (在数量方面)占;说明(原因等); 对 ... 负责;导致,引起;击毙,杀死;报账

Efficient [ɪˈfɪʃənt]  
adj.  有效率的; (直接)生效的; 能干的; 收效大的;

1[color=; padding-bottom: 0px]近义词deficient   adj.缺乏的, 不足的, 不完善的
proficient  adj.精通的;熟练的

2形近词potent   adj.  有效的,强有力的; 有权势的; 烈性的; 有说服力的;
economical  adj.  节约的; 经济的; 合算的;

3[color=; padding-bottom: 0px]短语搭配thermal efficiency热效率
conversion efficiency转换效率

4[color=; padding-bottom: 0px]真题例句 2013年阅读Text 3The idea is to force social scientists to integrate  their work with other categories , including health and demographic change; food security; marine research and the bio-economy; clean, efficient energy; and inclusive, innovative and secure societies.

5[color=; padding-bottom: 0px]真题解析1.句子主干:The idea is to force social scientists to integrate their work with ...



4.原句再现:The idea is to force social scientists to integrate their work with other categories, including health and demographic change; food security; marine research and the bio-economy; clean, efficient energy; and inclusive, innovative and secure societies.

integrate [ˈɪntɪˌɡret]  
vt.  使一体化; 使整合;使结合成为整体;
vi.  成为一体结合在一起合并;
adj.  整体的完整的完全的综合的;

categories   ['kætɪɡərɪz] n.  种类,类别; 派别;
demographic [ˌdemə'ɡræfɪk] adj.  人口统计学的; 人口统计的;
inclusive [ɪnˈklusɪv]  adj.  包括的,包罗广泛的; 包括…的; 一切开支包括在内的; 不分男女的;

Extreme [ɪk'strim]
n. 极端;极限;极度;极端不同的感情(或境况、行为方式等)
adj. 极度的;极大的;异乎寻常的;严重的

1[color=; padding-bottom: 0px]近义词extremely  adv. 非常;极其;极端
extremity  n. 末端;极端;极限;极度
extremist  n. 极端分子;极端主义者;过激分子
extremism  n. 极端主义;过激论

2形近词limit  n. 极限;限制;限度;界限
boundary  n. 边界;界限;分界线;使球越过边界线的击球(得加分)
edge n. 边缘;边沿;刀刃;利刃
end  n. 结束;结尾;尽头;末端

3[color=; padding-bottom: 0px]短语搭配to the extreme  走向极端
in the extreme  非常,极度
extreme value  极值,极端值

4[color=; padding-bottom: 0px]真题例句 1991年翻译Taken to an extreme , this theory maintains that our behavior is pre-determined to such a great degree that we are almost completely governed by our instincts .

5[color=; padding-bottom: 0px]真题解析1.句子主干:this theory maintains that …

2.句子难点:句子主干this theory maintains that主谓宾”, that our behavior is predetermined在这里是一个宾语从句, taken to an extreme v-ed形式状语,相当于if this theory is taken to an extreme, 译为:极端的是从极端的角度来看to such a degree 的原形为to a degree 示的是:在某种程度上;such … that …译为:如此……以至于其中that引导结果状语从句。


4.原句再现: Taken to an extreme, this theory maintains that our behavior is pre-determined to such a great degree that we are almost completely governed by our instincts.

maintain  [menˈten] v. 维护;保持;坚持;抚养
pre-determined  预设;预设的;预先确定与亲笔签字
completely [kəmˈpliːtli] adv. 非常;完全地;彻底地;很
instinct  [ˈɪnˌstɪŋkt] n. 本能;直觉;天性


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