发表于: 2021-05-14 22:23
2022年医学考博英语听力练习:咳嗽do you have a cough?
你咳嗽吗? i have a cough, but i also seem to wheeze a lot. 嗯,咳嗽,但是我好像咳喘地厉害。 is this a recent symptom, or have you had it for some time now? 这是近期的症状,还是已经这样有一段时间了? i've had it for some time, doctor. 已经有些时日了,医生。 do you suffer from coughing fits? 你经常咳嗽吗? yes, a lot. 是的,经常咳嗽。 do you bring up phlegm or is it a dry cough? 咳嗽的有痰,还是只是干咳? i bring up quite a bit of phlegm. i'm afraid i might have asthma. 会咳出很多痰。我担心我也许有哮喘。 what is the phlegm like? 痰是什么样的呢? what do you mean? 什么意思? can you describe the phlegm for me? what colour is it? is it white, yellow or greenish, and is itfrothy or sticky? 你能描述一下痰吗?什么颜色?痰是白的,偏黄还是偏绿,有没有泡沫,黏不黏? yes, it's yellowish and feels kind of like jelly. 嗯,痰偏黄,感觉有点像果冻。 does it have a strange smell or taste? 痰有什么奇怪的气味或味道吗? no, i don't think so. 我想没有。 has there ever been blood in it? 痰中带血吗? yes, just once i noticed some blood in it. 嗯,看见过一次痰中有血。 have you taken any medication lately? 那你采取药物治疗了吗? yes, i was on some medication to thin my blood. 嗯,我吃一种稀释血液的药。 |