what seems to be the problem at the moment? D`e!CprF
你能告诉我,…,你怎么了? {a_=4a
i seem to be getting very short of breath nowadays, so i thought it best to come in to see you. i also feel a tightness in my chest. pw:<a2.
最近我似乎总感到非常气急,胸口发紧,所以我想应该去看看医生。 U*/
how long has this been going on? 'O]_A57
这样有多久了? i>T{s-3v
it seems to have been getting worse over the last few weeks. $${ebt
好像是从上几周开始加重了。 *%ZfE,bu8<
are you short of breath all the time, or is it just when you walk up the stair?
是总感到气急呢,还是只是上楼梯的时候气急? `(=)8>|e
well, it's hard work going up the stairs. the pain feels like a knife. bEbO){Fe
上楼梯的时候疼痛会加重,就像刀割一样。 G#duZNBdc
does the pain move to other areas as well? wx(|$2{h
疼痛向其他部位放射吗? 3-32q)8
yes, it moves to my neck, my left arm, my back and my shoulder. Ym&_IOx
向我的颈部,左臂,肩背部放射。 @)VJ,Ql$Y
do you ever feel sick or sweaty when that happens? CJjma=XH
疼的时候感到恶心或者出汗吗? H|F>BjXn5
well, i don't feel sick but i often break out in a sweat. lhQ*;dMj%"
嗯,不恶心,但是很能出汗。 ~u%9@}Oo>
do you ever feel that your heart beats unusually fast or slow? z2!
有没有感到心跳不寻常地加快或者减慢? 4s`*o/it
yes, sometimes it beats really slowly. then from time to time it skips a beat, then continues tobeat very rapidly. $g#X9/+<
有时心跳得很慢。有时心(比正常节律)少跳一下,紧接着跳得非常快。 @Z@yI2#e
can you tap out with a finger what the rhythm feels like to you? good. have you had anyswelling in your ankles? ]t0?,q.
你能用手指敲出节奏像什么吗?很好。你的脚踝肿胀吗? 9jaYmY]~
yes, both of my feet have been somewhat swollen. iv#9{T
嗯,两只脚的脚踝都有点肿胀。 pl fz)x3
does it go down overnight or are they still swollen in the morning? 9AB~*;U
过夜后肿胀消失吗,还是早上的时候脚踝依然肿胀? zCO5`%14
oh, my feet feel much better, and they aren't as swollen in the morning. x"AYt:ewuc
嗯,脚感觉好多了,不像早上那么肿了。 ,dBtj8=