考博英语翻译亦是各研究生院考博常考的题型,考博翻译部分有两种可能的题型:英译汉部分和汉译英部分。 kHJjdgV
考博论坛freekaobo为大家整理了2016考博英语翻译五大技巧供考生们参考。 #N*~Q
1.词的增减 FK-
汉语里无主语的句子相当多,英语则不同,句子一般都需要有主语。所以在翻译这类无主语的句子时,有时要用“There be…”结构或用it作主语,有时要采用被动式,有时要根据具体上下文选择适当的代词(或名词)来补出主语。因此,汉译英时就需要做适当的增词翻译。一个英语并列句子中,后半句中,往往得省略其重复的部分,而汉语中,有时表示排比对仗,一个词有时会出现好几遍,其目的是为了达到某种气势或是造成排比的效果。因此,英译汉也需适当增词。
Sample 1 @rE>D
原文:有一个调查表明,不吸烟的妇女,如果在吸烟的家庭环境中生活40年或更长的时间,那么患肺癌的危险就会加倍。 [K^RC;}nV^
译文:It has been found from a survey that women,who may not have smoked themselves,would double their risk of suffering from lung cancer, if they were exposed to 40 or more years of household tobacco smoke. xk#/J]j
Note: YS/4<QA[
通过对比,可以看出:由于句型变动的需要,英语译文中用了主语从句句型,就出现了It has been found from a survey that…,自然就增加了形式主语it和介词from,就连“表明”这一谓语形式也得译成has been found that等比汉语多得多的词;汉语“不吸烟的妇女”译成英语为women,who may not have smoked themselves,增加了反身代词themselves和关系代词who;“如果在吸烟的家庭环境中生活40年或更长的时间”这一部分,译成英语为:if they were exposed to 40 or more years of household tobacco smoke,先是增加了条件从句中省略的人称主语they,主句部分又在risk前增加了物主代词their。由上述分析对比可以看出汉译英时增词译法用得较多。 %.]qkGZe#
Sample 2 ;%Qu;FtC
原文:Mr.Rading explained that according to the new traffic regulations,drivers in Sweden were required to keep the lights on day and night,which helped decrease the traffic accidents. ZZ.Gp
译文:雷丁先生解释说,根据新的交通规则,在瑞典要强制司机日夜开灯行驶,这有助于降低交通事故的发生率。 "/K44(^
Note: DEs/?JZG
在这段英译汉翻译中,译文增词的情况和汉译英大不相同。就代词而论,由于把which helped decrease the traffic accidents翻译成了独立句子,就把原来的which译成了代词“这。”又把原文的explain译成了“解释说,”加了个“说”字。在翻译drivers in Sweden were required to keep the lights on day and night这一部分时,译成“在瑞典要强制司机日夜开灯行驶,”在开灯后面又加上了“行驶”二字以符合汉语语言表达重视“末尾信息焦点”这一传统。 \ZXH(N*>2t
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Sample 3 9\V^q9l
原文:交出翻译之前,必须看几遍,看看有没有需要修改的地方,这样你才能把工作做得更好。 0C7x1:
译文:Before handing in your translation,you have to read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected or improved.Only thus can you do your work well. 0Y
Note: ='a$>JVJ5
在汉译英时,注意在汉语中,人称代词、物主代词在不影响理解的情况下能省就省,英语则是为了避免误解尽量不漏。如上面这句话中,英文翻译中增加了汉语原文中所没有的you,your和it。而且把汉语原文中的“修改”加以细说,而译成了corrected or improved。 E
Sample 4 >
原文:在过去20年中,世界上没有一个国家的外贸发展速度像中国那么快。日本用了20多年才将其外贸总额翻了一番,而中国却翻了两番。 ]"^U
译文:Over the last two decades,no country in the world has expanded its foreign trade as fast as China.Japan took more than 20 years to double its foreign trade,while China,for he same length of time,has quadrupled its foreign trade. p"
Note: phd,Jg[
在汉语原文中,“没有一个国家的外贸发展速度像中国那么快,”突出了“速度”这两个字,英语则译为no country in the world has expanded its foreign trade as fast as China,省译了“速度,”而只说外贸发展。 sT| 8a
Sample 5 S
原文:人们并不是因为做好了自己应做的工作就得到提升;他们得到提升是因为自己以一种积极主动的态度来工作。 }5\F <b^@Y
译文:People don't get promotions just because they do their jobs well;they get promotions because they take initiative. (]1n!
Note: VD,g
在汉语原文中,“以一种积极主动的态度来工作”译成了take initiative,就省译了“态度来工作”这些字词。这是因为英语中并列句中后半部的重复部分必须省去,汉语则不一定。 ) m[0,
Sample 6
原文:The country (Sweden) is so clean that you can sit anywhere you like without dirtying the clothes. The bottles are made of glass and the packages are made of paper or other natural materials which can be recycled. To make best use of their resources, Swedes never turn on the heating too high or the air-condition too low. Jc95Ki1X
译文:(瑞典)全国到处都干净得你可以随地落座而不会把你的衣服弄脏。容器瓶都是玻璃做的,包装材料都是用纸或其他能够再生循环的天然材料做的。 8A#qbBD
Note: <`}Oi5nW
注意第1句The country(Sweden)is so clean that you can sit anywhere you like without dirtying the clothes在译成汉语时,原文中的so…that…like等均省略不译。The bottles are made of glass and the packages are made of paper or other natural materials which can be recycled中的and和which指代的名词重复译出。 9t9x&.A
Sample 7 E9i
译文:Certain bats by receiving the echoes to the squeaks they emit,can locate and steer clear of obstacles. [> Q+=(l
Note: x\T 9V~8a
在汉语原文中,“能探测出障碍物的位置,并且还能避开这些障碍物”,译成英语则避免了后半部的重复部分。就将两处的“障碍物”合译为一个obstacles。 OrNi<TY>