so, you say that you are having problems with bleeding or bruising. +
你说你有出血和淤青的问题。 Mb\(52`)Q
yes, i am. SvvNk
是的。 ?fq!BV
can you tell me what you mean by that? do you bleed or bruise easily? #\D74$D
你能告诉我那是什么意思吗?你很容易出血或者有淤青? +YW;63"o
yes, every time i scrape myself or bump into something i get bruised. `G`R|B
是的,每次一擦伤或者撞到什么东西我就有淤青了。 ~;Y Tz
have you always had this problem, or is it just a recent development? GQ@mQ=i
一直以来就有这个问题吗,还是最近才这样? g.hYhg'KUh
i noticed that the problems started about the time i started shaving. 6<fG;:
我第一次剃须的时候我注意到了这个问题。 ,3f>-mP
do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? T7.SjR6X>
当你刷牙的时候牙齿出血吗? gSw<C+
yes, quite a lot. L2EQ 9i'[
是的,出血很多。 ~v pIy-
do you have any trouble stopping the bleeding? ~KkC089D
止血有什么问题吗? 3Z*o5@RI
oh, yes, even from the most minor cuts. BYM6cp+S
有问题,甚至一个小伤口止血都有问题。 V8B4e4F
how long does it take to stop the bleeding? F5/,S
止血需要多长时间? 3Zd,"/RH
at least ten or 15 minutes. +D]raU
至少10-15分钟。 EUcD[
are there any other members of your family with bleeding tendencies? -mRgB"8
你家里还有其他人有出血倾向吗? F/>\uzu
no, not that i know of. e]88 4FP
据我所知没有。 U-fxlg|-C
have you ever needed a blood transfusion, or have you given blood recently? t
你曾经输过血吗?最近献过血吗? !vRZh('R
i don't like needles, so i don't give blood, but i needed a transfusion after a car accident a few years ago; when i was 15. C,l,fT
我不喜欢针头,所以我不献血。但是我15岁的时候出了车祸输过血。 b=:ud[h
do you remember how many units of blood you received? =NC??e{
你记得当时他们给你输了多少单位的血吗? k"&o)*d
no. i don't remember, sorry. S}%
不记得了,抱歉。 DWKQ>X6
do you know what your blood type is? b1 w@toc
你知道你是什么血型吗? ~d]
i think it's ab negative, but i'm not sure. lNg){3
我想是ab型阴性,但是我不确定。 |3,WiK='