do you have regular bowel movements? gf8~Zlq4v
你的排便规律吗? /j\.~=,_
no, sometimes i get constipated and sometimes i have diarrhea. 5ai$W`6
不规律,有时我便秘,有时我腹泻。 :QMpp}G
when you say you have diarrhea, do you mean the stool is very loose, or that you have to go to the toilet more frequently? 2W63/kRbU
你说你腹泻,是指大便稀,得频繁上厕所? #}UI
i have to go four or five times a day. miY=xwK&
我一天去四、五次。 O*Z-3l
when you have to go, do you have to go quickly? 01+TVWKX
当你不得不去的时候,很急吗? 2]tW&y_i
yes, i have real problems holding it. asbFNJG{
是的,我总是憋不住。 qqu]r
could you describe your stool? &tlU.Whk+
你能描述一下大便吗? BR~+CBH
the last time it was loose and watery, but very dark. ~A*$+c(
上次的大便很稀,呈水样,还黑。 gZ {
do you have any problems flushing it down at all? XeAH.i<
大便从马桶冲走有问题吗? _2<d6@}
no, i haven't noticed anything like that. 2K{)8;^
没注意过 m$$sNPnT
has there been any blood or mucus in the stool? ~fz9PoC
粪便里有血或者黏液吗? sfCU"O2G
yes, i have noticed some blood, but no mucus. #2qv"ntW
有,我注意到一引起血迹,但是没有黏液。 K`kWfPwp
is it mixed in with the stool or is it just there on the paper when you wipe yourself? ]Q{MF- EKj
血是混在粪便里,还是只是在厕纸上有血? y~r
it seems to be mixed in with the stool, doctor. ,Z[pLF
好像是混在粪便里的,医生。 o@r~KFIe
i see. and when you are constipated, do you take laxatives, or do you give yourself an enema? WNiM&iU
懂了。当你便秘的时候,你吃泻药吗,或者灌肠? |Q#CQz
if i can't go for three days, only the laxative helps. +Pb@@C&
如果我三天都没去厕所,那只有吃泻药有作用了。 S~.%G)R
do you feel bloated when you are constipated? I<$m%
当你便秘的时候腹胀吗? bN.U2 %~!
yes, occasionally, but the laxative helps with that too. v cb}Gk
是的,偶尔胀,从是吃了泻药就不胀了。 Ly`FU
do you have any problems with excessive wind or belching? ZgL ]ex
排气有什么问题吗,比如打嗝? a*Ng+~5)6
no, not particularly. )F%zT[Auph
没有什么特别的。 kr5'a:F)