发表于: 2021-05-14 22:19
2022年医学考博英语听力练习:食欲tell me, what's your appetite like?
你的食欲怎么样? sometimes it's good, but at other times i don't feellike eating at all. 有时很好,有时我一点也不想吃。 how do you feel about your eating habits? 向我描述一下你的饮食习惯。 well, i usually eat five or six times a day, lots of fruitand vegetables, but when i'm anxious i can't eat atall. 嗯,我一天通常吃五到六顿,吃很多水果和蔬菜,但是当我焦虑的时候我什么都不吃。 have you lost or put on any weight recently or does your weight stay the same? 你最近体重有变化吗,还是保持不变? i've been putting on quite a bit of weight lately. 最近我体重增加明显。 how many pounds have you gained, do you think? 你增重了多少磅? about ten pounds or so. 大约10磅左右。 over how long a period of time has this happened? 增重发生在多长时间内? since about christmas, so in the last six months. 大概从圣诞节开始,所以在过去的六个月之内增重了大约10磅。 are you trying to do anything to control your weight, for example, are you on a diet? 你尝试过采取些措施控制体重吗,比如,节食? yes, but it doesn't seem to work. 试过,但是似乎没有效果。 are there any foods that you dislike or is there anything that you particularly like to eat? 你有没有不喜欢的食物,或者有特别喜欢吃的食物吗? i eat lots of pasta dishes, but i can't have anything with nuts in them because i'm allergic tomost kinds of nuts. 我吃很多的面食,但是我一点都不能吃坚果因为我对大多数坚果过敏。 do your eating habits change for any reason? 你的饮食习惯会因为什么原因改变吗? yes, i eat quite a bit more when i feel good. 会,当我感觉好的时候我吃得特别多。 |